It seems therefore that we may have a uptrending day - the problem with my statement is that almost everyone may be thinking the same - where is the edge then?
This reflects an agony I always feel when I write - am I saying something different or am I just following the herd? We will return to the importance of this chain of thought some other time, but I must say when I read blogs - especially related to the market moves - I am struck by how many of them are saying the same things.
Over this weekend I accidentally came across a blog that I liked a lot, primarily because the freshness of its line of thinking and its similar preoccupation with search for what is not obvious.
The blog contains a presentation (webinar) which is excellent - it was presented on June 7 ( not that old ). The presentation can be found in a pdf document here. As a summary there are three points from this PDF that I found very striking and am quoting here.
- "A GREAT EXERCISE Investors should do regularly is to ask you: What's the one thing that nobody expects to happen?"
- "I try to make it my business never to get too bearish or too bullish."
- "There are hundreds of ways to analyze markets. The key is chose yours and respect others"
The blog, by Deepak Singh, can be found here: http://www.stateofthemarket.net/blog/.
Another refreshing thing about this blog is that it does not try to sell you market calls, treats you as a thinking individual and leaves you with a lot of ideas.
I hope you will ENJOY the articles as much as I have.
If you have any comments please write to me at stockmarket.methods.in.madness@gmail.com
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Disclaimer: The above analysis is just that - my analysis. If you choose to trade on the basis of this analysis, you will be solely responsible for the outcome of the trade - profit or loss. Please keep in mind that trading and in particular day trading is not for the novice and there is significant risk of loss of capital in trading.
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